Custom Transformation

Custom Transformation


Add transform rules to transformer.additionalTransformRules.babel.

// react-native-esbuild.config.js
exports.default = {
  transformer: {
    additionalTransformRules: {
      babel: [
           * @param path file path
           * @param code raw source code
           * @returns true: transform, false: do not transform
          test: (path: string, code: string) => {
            return shouldApplyTransformation;
           * Babel options
          options: babelOptions,
          // it can be function that return babel options.
          options: (path: string, code: string) => babelOptions,


Add transform rules to transformer.additionalTransformRules.swc.

// react-native-esbuild.config.js
exports.default = {
  transformer: {
    additionalTransformRules: {
      swc: [
           * @param path file path
           * @param code raw source code
           * @returns true: transform, false: do not transform
          test: (path: string, code: string) => {
            return shouldApplyTransformation;
           * Swc options
          options: swcOptions,
          // it can be function that return swc options.
          options: (path: string, code: string) => swcOptions,


// react-native-esbuild.config.js
exports.default = {
  transformer: {
    additionalTransformRules: {
      babel: [
          test: (path, code) => {
            return (
              /node_modules\/react-native-reanimated\//.test(path) ||
          options: {
            plugins: ['react-native-reanimated/plugin'],
            babelrc: false,